Planned purchase and installation of complete solar electrical system - 20024/2025


Friends, I hope you all had a relaxing summer. The solar hot water heating was installed and working well - providing hot water for cleaning and washing. I am so grateful for the support I received to make this large purchase for the orphanage :-) Brenham and I spoke about our next BIG investment in a solar electrical system as over the last 5 years the orphanages electricity bill has more than tripled. It now takes up 40% of our annual budget. An entire system costs about £2000 and is equal to 16 months bills - meaning if we can afford it, it will pay for itself in about a year and a half. Afterwards we will have virtually no electricity costs (sun all year in India!) This will free up well over a £100 to reallocate on food and clothing - this would be incredible... Please consider giving again if this is something you would like to support and believe in. Benjamin